
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Almost Time!

It's almost time! We wanted to mention a few things before we begin. There's a yahoo group for this event and everyone is welcome, as long as they're not looking to cause trouble. We also have a facebook page and a Twitter account.

We've received a lot of emails from the participating blogs and many are all set to go and people are excited.

Registration is still open and will remain so until the end of the hop. If your blog is eligible and you'd like to join, there's a small blue sign-up button below the purple names. 

We would very much appreciate any kind of exposure during this event, so please spread the word :)


  1. So looking forward to this - have FB'd, Tweeted and Google Plus'd it for you! :)

  2. I can't wait for this. I'm already getting more traffic on my blog and all of the writing groups I belong to have said that they're involved already. It's going to be really great!
